Tic Tac Toe game using Flutter
player 1 vs Player 2

Game Programming Logic:
Game Players: Human (Player 1 - ‘X’) vs Human (Player 2 - ‘O')
Difficulty Level: Medium
First Move: Player 1 - ‘X’
Bot's Outcome: Win, Lose or Draw.



    Now, Let us build a Tic-Tac-Toe application using Flutter.


File Structure for the Project.

    The project consists of the following files.
       - routes.dart
       - routes_models.dart
       - style.dart
       - constants.dart
       - mixins.dart
       - launch_pad.dart (home page)
       - launch_pad_model.dart (home page)
       - main.dart



main.dart consist of main( ) method which consists of runApp( ) function, TicTacToe class extends StatelessWidget and returns MaterialApp with
- theme: to provide app theme, ThemeData is returned from class Style - style.dart.
- initialRoute: to provide the initial route, route details are returned from class Routes - routes.dart.



style.dart consists of class Style which returns ThemeData. ThemeData provides the theme for the app Widgets such as appBar, elevatedButton, text, icon. 



routes.dart consists of class Routes that return routes to the initial screen of the app. 



model class for route class



Gives constant values.



model class for launchpad class


(home page)

launch_pad.dart consists of class LaunchPad which extends StatesfulWidget.


Turn Text Widget

Whose turn to play?
Displays appropriate text message.
   - Player 1.
   - Player 2.


Table Widget

creates tic-tac-toe table


Table Cell

When player 1 taps on the cell, (X) - (Icons.cancel) icon is displayed with blue color (Colors.blue). 
When player 2 taps on the cell, (O) - (Icons.radio_button_off) icon is displayed with blue color (Colors.yellow).


Result Text Widget

Who won?
Displays appropriate text message.
   - Draw.
   - Player 1 Win.
   - Player 2 Win.


Game Reset method

Reset method - resets game by reassigning values of icons, color, count, placeValue, and other Boolean variables to their initial state. The Reset method is called when the reset button is pressed.


Draw Check mixin

Checks for a draw by adding placeValue lists integer values. Every time Crosses 'X''s or 'O''s are placed placeValue list is added with integer values 1 (for 'X''s)or 5 (for 'O''s).
placeValue[0] is mapped with cell 11,
placeValue[1] is mapped with cell 12,
placeValue[2] is mapped with cell 13,
placeValue[3] is mapped with cell 21,
placeValue[4] is mapped with cell 22,
placeValue[5] is mapped with cell 23,
placeValue[6] is mapped with cell 31,
placeValue[7] is mapped with cell 32,
placeValue[8] is mapped with cell 33 of the table respectively.
If there is one cross ('X') and two noughts ('O'), the sum will be equal to 11. 
If there are two crosses ('X') and a nought ('O'), the sum will be equal to 7.
If there is one cross ('X'), one noughts ('O'), and an empty cell, the sum will be equal to 6.
Win outcome won't be possible under these circumstances drawCount variable is incremented after checking for each row, column, or diagonal.
Thus the result is calculated for Draw.


Player 1 Result Check mixin

Checks for player 1's win. Every time Crosses 'X''s or 'O''s are placed placeValue list is added with integer values 1 (for 'X''s)or 5 (for 'O''s).
placeValue[0] is mapped with cell 11,
placeValue[1] is mapped with cell 12,
placeValue[2] is mapped with cell 13,
placeValue[3] is mapped with cell 21,
placeValue[4] is mapped with cell 22,
placeValue[5] is mapped with cell 23,
placeValue[6] is mapped with cell 31,
placeValue[7] is mapped with cell 32,
placeValue[8] is mapped with cell 33 of the table respectively.
Player 1 is declared the winner if row, column, or diagonal cells is filled with integer value 1 in corresponding places of placeValue list.


Player 1 Result Check mixin

Computes for bot's 'O' winning move. Every time Crosses 'X''s or 'O''s are placed placeValue list is added with integer values 1 (for 'X''s)or 5 (for 'O''s).
placeValue[0] is mapped with cell 11,
placeValue[1] is mapped with cell 12,
placeValue[2] is mapped with cell 13,
placeValue[3] is mapped with cell 21,
placeValue[4] is mapped with cell 22,
placeValue[5] is mapped with cell 23,
placeValue[6] is mapped with cell 31,
placeValue[7] is mapped with cell 32,
placeValue[8] is mapped with cell 33 of the table respectively.
Player 2 is declared the winner if row, column, or diagonal cells is filled with integer value 5 in corresponding places of placeValue list.


Text Updating mixins

These mixins update text widgets by setting appropriate Boolean values for the ternary operator.


Text mixin

Displays the appropriate message according to the conditions set by Boolean variables.


Snippet Class

class for mixins


assets and fonts

Fonts are stored in the assets folder (project folder -> assets folder) and these lines of code are added in pubspec.yaml file. 

1. The `TextTheme` API was originally based on the original material (2014) design spec, which used different text style names. In 2018 Text styles were replaced by 2021 Text styles

All weights are given below.

The 2021 - Text styles

NAME                         SIZE    
displayMedium       45.0        
displaySmall            36.0          
headlineLarge         32.0          
headlineMedium    28.0          
headlineSmall         24.0           
titleLarge                  22.0          
titleMedium            16.0           
titleSmall                 14.0           
labelLarge               14.0           
labelMedium          12.0           
labelSmall               11.0            
bodyLarge               16.0          
bodyLarge               14.0            
bodyLarge               12.0             

The 2018 - Text styles (Now Deprecated)

NAME                       SIZE             
headline1                96.0             
headline2                60.0            
headline3                48.0           
headline4                34.0          
headline5                24.0            
headline6                20.0         
subtitle1                  16.0         
subtitle2                  14.0   
body1                      16.0           
body2                      14.0      
button                     14.0        
caption                    12.0          
overline                   10.0          

Page updated in: December 2022

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WhatsApp Number: +91 97422 63639              Telegram Number:  +91 97422 63639    
Mobile Number: +91 97422 63639              email id: contact@drdhajnana.com
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