Drdha Jnana Articles

Drdha Jnana's Articles focuses on sharing knowledge on applications of various Programming Languages (such as Flutter and Dart, HTML - CSS and JAVA Script, JAVA etc.), Science and Technology etc.,

Programming Articles

1. Tic Tac Toe game.

   “Tic-Tac-Toe” also called “Noughts and Crosses” or “Xs and Os” is a game where two players take turns marking empty spaces by Crosses (‘X’ – Player 1) or Noughts (‘O’ – Player 2) in a 3 X 3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in either a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal pattern first is the winner. Now let's see how to develop this game in Flutter.


2. App Check: Play Integrity (Flutter - Firebase)

    App Check helps protect your API resources from abuse by preventing unauthorized clients from accessing your backend resources. It works with both Firebase services, Google Cloud services, and your own APIs to keep your resources safe. App Check has built-in support for Play Integrity as attestation providers for Android. 


General Articles

1. Its just a Universe... ?

   Every night, when the sky darkens and the stars come out to twinkle, we are reminded of something much bigger than ourselves. We are reminded of the universe: an infinite expanse made up of a lot of things from its mysterious dark matter and dark energy to its never-ending expanse such as stars, planets, galaxies, and even more, here is a comprehensive exploration into the secrets of our cosmic home, things are amazing and have their own beauty. From the tiniest particles to the largest galaxies, we have all sorts of evidence that point to an expansive, ever-evolving universe. It’s a place that has fascinated and drawn in humans since the dawn of time. The observable universe is everything we can detect, whether through direct observation or indirect detection. It includes all matter and energy that has been emitted since the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, and it will continue to expand forever. Beyond the observable universe lies the unobservable universe, which includes all matter and energy that has not yet been detected.


1. Purpose Of Professional Social Networking Platform (LinkedIn), It's Misuse And How To Rectify by Introducing Guilt Consciousness And Self Correction (A Thought Concept)

    LinkedIn is a professional social networking platform, launched on May 5, 2003, now owned by Microsoft, platform has evolved into a key tool for professionals to connect with each other, build networks, and advance their careers. It is designed to help users establish their professional identities online, showcase their skills and experiences, and connect with potential employers or business partners. The purpose of LinkedIn is to facilitate networking and professional growth opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.


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