Tic Tac Toe:
Game Code in Flutter

“Tic-Tac-Toe” also called as “Noughts and Crosses” or “Xs and Os” is a game where two players take turns marking empty spaces by Crosses (‘X’ – Player 1) or Noughts (‘O’ – Player 2) in a 3 X 3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks (‘X’ or ‘O’) in either a horizontally, vertically or diagonally first is the winner.

Let's Code in Flutter for this game....


    The numbers in the above picture indicate row number and column numbers respectively, example 11 shows the first row and first column, Similarly, whereas 12 points to the first row and second column, and so on.

    In a Tic-Tac-Toe table there are:
       1. four corner cells namely cell numbers 11, 13, 33, and 31. Each corner cell will be involved in 3 winning combinations,
             If you consider cell number 11’s combinations are
               - (11, 12, 13),
               - (11, 21, 31),
               - (11, 22, 33), one of which may determine the players victory.
             Next, consider cell number 13’s combinations are
               - (13, 12, 11),
               - (13, 23, 33),
               - (13, 22, 31), one of which may determine the players victory.
            Next, cell number 33’s combinations are
               - (33, 12, 13),
               - (33, 21, 31),
               - (33, 32, 33), one of which may determine the players victory.
            lastly, consider cell number 31’s combinations are
               - (11, 12, 13),
               - (11, 21, 31),
               - (11, 22, 33), one of which may determine the players victory.
       2. four middle cells namely cell numbers 12, 21, 32, and 23. Each middle cell will be involved in 2 winning combinations,
             If you consider cell number 12’s combinations are
               - (11, 12, 13),
               - (12, 22, 32), one of which may determine the players victory.
             Next, consider cell number 21’s combinations are
               - (21, 22, 23),
               - (11, 21, 31), one of which may determine the players victory.
             Next, cell number 32’s combinations are
               - (12, 22, 32),
               - (31, 32, 33), one of which may determine the players victory.
             lastly, consider cell number 23’s combinations are
               - (13, 23, 33),
               - (21, 22, 23), one of which may determine the players victory.
       3. one center cell namely cell number 22. Center cells will be involved in 4 winning combinations,
             example cell number 22’s combinations are
               - (12, 22, 32),
               - (21, 22, 23),
               - (11, 22, 33),
               - (13, 22, 31), one of which may determine the players victory.

Let's Code in Flutter:

         - Tic Tac Toe game was developed using Flutter 2022 (Player vs Bot - player first move).

                    Game Players: Human (Player - ‘X’) vs Program (Bot - ‘O’)
                    Difficulty Level: Medium
                    First Move: Player - ‘X
                    Outcome: Win, Lose, Draw.

               Read More.....

        - Tic Tac Toe game was developed using Flutter 2022 (Player 1 vs Player 2).

                    Game Players: Human (Player 1 - ‘X’) vs Human (Player 2 - ‘O’)
                    Difficulty Level: Medium
                    First Move: Player - ‘X
                    Outcome: Win, Lose, Draw.

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        - Tic Tac Toe game was developed using Flutter 2022 (Player vs Bot - bot first move).

                    Game Players: Program (Bot - ‘X’) vs Human (Player 2 - ‘O’)
                    Difficulty Level: Medium
                    First Move: Bot - ‘X
                    Outcome: Win, Lose, Draw.

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