CAT Practice Test - 2 
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

MOCK TEST - 2 - Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR Section)

  Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) is one of the section of CAT exam along with Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension. Practice tests help aspirants to prepare for the exams. 

  Data Interpretation determines the persons ability to analyze, compute and process the collected information in different format to determine the significance and implications of collected information thereby deriving appropriate conclusion.

  On the other hand Logical reasoning (deductive reasoning) refers to the ability of a candidate to understand and logically work through concepts and problems mainly by using common sense and logic to derive appropriate conclusion.

   Maximum Time for this section: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds)

CAT Practice Test - 2
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

Tips for first practice test:
Attend all the  questions.
2. Take a Maximum time of 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds).
3. Complete two cycles, first go of the entire section in 27 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by solving at least 14 to 17 questions completely. Second go of the entire section in 13 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by attempting last 6 to 3 questions.


Total number of Questions: 66
Total number of MCQ's Questions: 45
Total Number of Non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 21

Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) Questions: 22
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) MCQ's Questions: 14
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 08

Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Questions: 20
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) MCQ's Questions: 15
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 05

Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Questions: 24
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) MCQ's Questions: 16
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 08

Maximum Time: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) per section

Note-1: Use of simple calculator is allowed.
Note-2: Not allowed to change section once selected.

 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

Question No. 01: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

A large cube is painted on all its six faces. Certain number of smaller identical cubes. It was found that among the smaller cubes, there were eight cubes which did not have any face printed.

How many smaller cubes was the original cube cut into?

Option (a): 27
Option (b): 64
Option (c): 08
Option (d): None of these.

If a cube has 8 center cubes, then the number of cubes surrounding it will be 8 corners, 16 sides, 32 covering this inner cube of 8, 8+16+32 = 56.
So, total number of cubes is 56 + 8 = 64.

Question No. 02: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

A large cube is painted on all its six faces. Certain number of smaller identical cubes. It was found that among the smaller cubes, there were eight cubes which did not have any face printed.

How many of the smaller cubes have exactly one faces painted?

Option (a): 24
Option (b): 34
Option (c): 27
Option (d): None of these.

Question No. 03: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

A large cube is painted on all its six faces. Certain number of smaller identical cubes. It was found that among the smaller cubes, there were eight cubes which did not have any face printed.

How many of the smaller cubes have exactly two faces painted?

Option (a): 24
Option (b): 28
Option (c): 20
Option (d): None of these.

Question No. 04: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

   (i) 'P ♠ Q' means 'P is father of Q'.
   (ii) 'P ♥ Q' means 'P is son of Q'.
   (iii) 'P ♦ Q' means 'P is daughter of Q'.
   (iv) 'P ♣ Q' means 'P is brother of Q'.
   (v) 'P & Q' means 'P is sister of Q'.
   (vi) 'P # Q' means 'P is mother of Q'. 

   Which of the following means 'Z' has two children?

  Option (a): Z ♥ Y ♦ X
  Option (b): Z ♠ Y ♣ X
  Option (c): Z ♥ Y & X
  Option (d): Z ♥ Y ♦ X

Z ♠ Y ♣ X

Question No. 05: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

 (i) 'P ♠ Q' means 'P is father of Q'.
 (ii) 'P ♥ Q' means 'P is son of Q'.
 (iii) 'P ♦ Q' means 'P is daughter of Q'.
 (iv) 'P ♣ Q' means 'P is brother of Q'.
 (v) 'P & Q' means 'P is sister of Q'.
 (vi) 'P # Q' means 'P is mother of Q'.

Which of the following means 'X' is the grandmother of 'Y'?

Option (a): X ♥ Y ♣ Z
Option (b): X & Y ♣ Z
Option (c): X ♦ Y ♣ Z
Option (d): X # Y ♦ Z

X # Y ♦ Z

Question No. 06: MCQ (with negative marking)

  Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

    (i) 'P ♠ Q' means 'P is father of Q'.
    (ii) 'P ♥ Q' means 'P is son of Q'.
    (iii) 'P ♦ Q' means 'P is daughter of Q'.
    (iv) 'P ♣ Q' means 'P is brother of Q'.
    (v) 'P & Q' means 'P is sister of Q'.
    (vi) 'P # Q' means 'P is mother of Q'.

  Which of the following means 'Y' is the mother of 'X' and 'Z'

Option (a): Y ♠ Z ♥ X
Option (b): Y ♥ Z ♠ X
Option (c): Y # Z ♣ X
Option (d): Y & Z ♣ X

Y # Z ♣ X

Question No. 07: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Read the following and answer the questions.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: Spain 88 71 China Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26

Step I: China Spain 71 Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26 88
Step II: Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 56 Germany 26 88 71
Step III: Germany Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 26 88 71 56
Step IV: Spain Germany Denmark China Thailand 14 88 71 56 26
Step V: Thailand Spain Germany Denmark China 88 71 56 26 14

Step V is the last step of the rearrangement.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input. Input for this question

Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

  Which word or number would be at the 7th position from the left in step V?


Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

Step I: all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47 96
Step II: bun all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75
Step III: free bun all 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75 52
Step IV: hot free bun all 25 jam roll 15 shop 33 96 75 52 47
Step V: jam hot free bun all 25 roll 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33
Step VI: roll jam hot free bun all 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33 25
Step VII: shop roll jam hot free bun all 96 75 52 47 33 25 15

Question No. 08: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

    Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Read the following and answer the questions.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: Spain 88 71 China Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26

Step I: China Spain 71 Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26 88
Step II: Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 56 Germany 26 88 71
Step III: Germany Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 26 88 71 56
Step IV: Spain Germany Denmark China Thailand 14 88 71 56 26
Step V: Thailand Spain Germany Denmark China 88 71 56 26 14

Step V is the last step of the rearrangement.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input. Input for this question

Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

  What would be the last step?

Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

Step I: all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47 96
Step II: bun all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75
Step III: free bun all 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75 52
Step IV: hot free bun all 25 jam roll 15 shop 33 96 75 52 47
Step V: jam hot free bun all 25 roll 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33
Step VI: roll jam hot free bun all 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33 25
Step VII: shop roll jam hot free bun all 96 75 52 47 33 25 15

Question No. 09: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

    Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Read the following and answer the questions.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: Spain 88 71 China Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26

Step I: China Spain 71 Thailand 14 56 Germany Denmark 26 88
Step II: Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 56 Germany 26 88 71
Step III: Germany Denmark China Spain Thailand 14 26 88 71 56
Step IV: Spain Germany Denmark China Thailand 14 88 71 56 26
Step V: Thailand Spain Germany Denmark China 88 71 56 26 14

Step V is the last step of the rearrangement.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input. Input for this question

Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

   Which step number would be the following output?

    bun all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot stop 33 47 96 75

Step II: bun all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot stop 33 47 96 75

Input: free 52 all 96 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47.

Step I: all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot 75 bun shop 33 47 96
Step II: bun all free 52 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75
Step III: free bun all 25 jam roll 15 hot shop 33 47 96 75 52
Step IV: hot free bun all 25 jam roll 15 shop 33 96 75 52 47
Step V: jam hot free bun all 25 roll 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33
Step VI: roll jam hot free bun all 15 shop 96 75 52 47 33 25
Step VII: shop roll jam hot free bun all 96 75 52 47 33 25 15

Question No. 10: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

What was the day 15th August 1947?


Question No. 11: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

Village Chimur is 20 km to the North of village Rewa. Village Rahate is 18 km to the East of village Rewa. village Angne is 12 km to the west of village Chimur. If Sanjay starts from village Rahate and goes to village Angne, in which direction he has to go from his starting point?

North - West

Question No. 12: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 15): Read the following and answer the questions.

The Bar chart represents the performance of Raj and Line graph represents the performance of Rahul on three different subjects under a coaching institution. Teachers of the coaching institute are rated as 1, 2, 3 with 1 being the lowest and 3 being highest.
The charts also represents the percentage marks obtained by Raj and Rahul in three subjects. Each subject carries 100 marks. Students always get integral marks in each subject. For example, if Raj studies all three subjects from a coaching institute so that all the three subject teachers have 1 rating (low rating); then he gets 50% marks of the total marks of the three subjects.


What would be the change in the total marks obtained by Raj when we compare the combination 1-1-1 and 1-1-3? 

Option (a): 32
Option (b): 42
Option (c): 62
Option (d): Cannot be determined.

The difference in total score = 64 x 3 - 50 x 3 = 42
Option (b): 42

Question No. 13: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 15): Read the following and answer the questions.

The Bar chart represents the performance of Raj and Line graph represents the performance of Rahul on three different subjects under a coaching institution. Teachers of the coaching institute are rated as 1, 2, 3 with 1 being the lowest and 3 being highest.
The charts also represents the percentage marks obtained by Raj and Rahul in three subjects. Each subject carries 100 marks. Students always get integral marks in each subject. For example, if Raj studies all three subjects from a coaching institute so that all the three subject teachers have 1 rating (low rating); then he gets 50% marks of the total marks of the three subjects.


What is the percentage difference in the total marks obtained by Rahul when we compare the combination 1-1-3 and 2-2-2?

Option (a): 15.78%
Option (b): 17.78%.
Option (c): 19.78%.
Option (d): 18.78%

The difference in percentage = 9/45.5 = 19.78%

Question No. 14: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 15): Read the following and answer the questions.

The Bar chart represents the performance of Raj and Line graph represents the performance of Rahul on three different subjects under a coaching institution. Teachers of the coaching institute are rated as 1, 2, 3 with 1 being the lowest and 3 being highest.
The charts also represents the percentage marks obtained by Raj and Rahul in three subjects. Each subject carries 100 marks. Students always get integral marks in each subject. For example, if Raj studies all three subjects from a coaching institute so that all the three subject teachers have 1 rating (low rating); then he gets 50% marks of the total marks of the three subjects.


     For which of the following options is the difference in the marks scored by Rahul the maximum?

Option (a): 1 - 1 - 1 and 3 - 3 - 3
Option (b): 1 - 1 - 1 and 1 - 1 - 3
Option (c): 1 - 1 - 1 and 2 - 2 - 3
Option (d): 1 - 1 - 2 and 3 - 3 - 3

Consider Option (a): 1 - 1 - 1 and 3 - 3 - 3
Difference is 65 - 34 = 31
Consider Option (b): 1 - 1 - 1 and 1 - 1 - 3
Difference is 50 - 34 = 16
Consider Option (c): 1 - 1 - 1 and 2 - 2 - 3
Difference is 62 - 34 = 28
Consider Option (d): 1 - 1 - 2 and 3 - 3 - 3
Difference is 65 - 36 = 29

Option (a): 1 - 1 - 1 and 3 - 3 - 3

Question No. 15: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 15): Read the following and answer the questions.

The Bar chart represents the performance of Raj and Line graph represents the performance of Rahul on three different subjects under a coaching institution. Teachers of the coaching institute are rated as 1, 2, 3 with 1 being the lowest and 3 being highest.
The charts also represents the percentage marks obtained by Raj and Rahul in three subjects. Each subject carries 100 marks. Students always get integral marks in each subject. For example, if Raj studies all three subjects from a coaching institute so that all the three subject teachers have 1 rating (low rating); then he gets 50% marks of the total marks of the three subjects.


     For which of the following options is the difference in the marks scored by Raj and Rahul the maximum?

Option (a): 1 - 1 - 1 
Option (b): 1 - 1 - 3
Option (c): 2 - 2 - 3
Option (d): 2 - 2 - 2

Consider Option (a): 1 - 1 - 1
Raj's Score = 50
Rahul's Score = 34
Difference = 16
Consider Option (b): 1 - 1 - 3
Raj's Score = 64
Rahul's Score = 50
Difference = 14
Consider Option (c): 2 - 2 - 3
Raj's Score = 68
Rahul's Score = 62
Difference = 6
Consider Option (d): 2 - 2 - 2
Raj's Score = 63
Rahul's Score = 41
Difference = 22

Option (d): 2 - 2 - 2

Question No. 16: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 16 and 17): Read the following and answer the questions.

  A company 'Yu-me' which manufactures and sells noodles has a long standing in the consumer market and has a majority share in its business realm. As it also enjoys a long standing, and is quality oriented, it has over the years increased its overhead expenses substantially. However, it is surviving with good monetary results due to it's large market share. The factory is situated in DreamLand and is far away from the main consumer markets, thus, further increase in cost of the marketed product.

  Another new Company 'Me-U' (started few year ago) has factory situated near WonderLand, nearer to the main land and consumer markets. The product manufactured by 'Me-U' is almost similar to that of 'Yu-me' in all disciplines. In view of of its proximity with the consumer market, transportation cost being incurred by company 'Me-U' is comparatively less adding to this it has controlled overhead expenses. Taking these as advantage 'Me-U's product are introduced at a slightly lesser price compare to that of 'Yu-me' thereby slowly penetrating into the market share of company, 'Yu-me'.

  The company 'Yu-me' is now faced with the problem of completing with this new company 'Me-U' without compromising with the quality of the products or reducing its price as it will effect it's profit immensely. 'Yume' company's  board is now faced with the problem of competing with company 'Me-U' not just by maintaining it's image and reputation in the market but also influence its profits.

   Surya, a young and dynamic board member decided to undertake a detailed market survey and study all types of instant noodles marketed allover the country. By examining the competitor's products it was clear that the product marketed by 'Yu-me' was a quick consumption item of the highest quality, having a longer expiry date compared to others in the market. It was also observed that the product was packed in an aluminum container but after consumption of the noodles containers became useless as it didn't have any resell value. At the same time government had imposed a ban on use of regular plastic for packing of edible products. So the board decided to use either Biodegradable plastic enhanced with BioSphere Plastic's Additive, a new innovation or Cardboard packing (both approved by the government) or both. Carboard packing were added weight, couldn't withstand varying climatic conditions and consumed more space compared to Biodegradable plastic packing during transportation board decided to rule out the option of using cardboard packing. This resulted in drastic reduction of expenditure on packing, 15% to be precise. Thus board was able to reduce the price of the instant noodles by about 10%, adding 5% to existing profit margin and maintain the companies reputation to public. 

  16. Why was company 'Yu-me' selling the same type of product at a rate higher than that of company 'Me-U'?

  (i) Before company 'Me-U' entered the market, company 'Yu-me' enjoyed a monopoly in the market and took advantage of the same.
  (ii) As company 'Yu-me' had a long standings, its overheads were comparatively higher.
  (iii) Their total cost of production was higher. 

Option (a): I only.
Option (b): III only.
Option (c): I and II.
Option (d): I, II and III.

Option (b): III only.

Question No. 17: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 16 and 17): Read the following and answer the questions.

  A company 'Yu-me' which manufactures and sells noodles has a long standing in the consumer market and has a majority share in its business realm. As it also enjoys a long standing, and is quality oriented, it has over the years increased its overhead expenses substantially. However, it is surviving with good monetary results due to it's large market share. The factory is situated in DreamLand and is far away from the main consumer markets, thus, further increase in cost of the marketed product.

  Another new Company 'Me-U' (started few year ago) has factory situated near WonderLand, nearer to the main land and consumer markets. The product manufactured by 'Me-U' is almost similar to that of 'Yu-me' in all disciplines. In view of of its proximity with the consumer market, transportation cost being incurred by company 'Me-U' is comparatively less adding to this it has controlled overhead expenses. Taking these as advantage 'Me-U's product are introduced at a slightly lesser price compare to that of 'Yu-me' thereby slowly penetrating into the market share of company, 'Yu-me'.

  The company 'Yu-me' is now faced with the problem of completing with this new company 'Me-U' without compromising with the quality of the products or reducing its price as it will effect it's profit immensely. 'Yume' company's board is now faced with the problem of competing with company 'Me-U' not just by maintaining it's image and reputation in the market but also influence its profits.

  Surya, a young and dynamic board member decided to undertake a detailed market survey and study all types of instant noodles marketed allover the country. By examining the competitor's products it was clear that the product marketed by 'Yu-me' was a quick consumption item of the highest quality, having a longer expiry date compared to others in the market. It was also observed that the product was packed in an aluminum container but after consumption of the noodles containers became useless as it didn't have any resell value. At the same time government had imposed a ban on use of regular plastic for packing of edible products. So the board decided to use either Biodegradable plastic enhanced with BioSphere Plastic's Additive, a new innovation or Cardboard packing (both approved by the government) or both. Carboard packing were added weight, couldn't withstand varying climatic conditions and consumed more space compared to Biodegradable plastic packing during transportation board decided to rule out the option of using cardboard packing. This resulted in drastic reduction of expenditure on packing, 15% to be precise. Thus board was able to reduce the price of the instant noodles by about 10%, adding 5% to existing profit margin and maintain the companies reputation to public. 

  17. The market survey conducted by company 'Yu-me' reveled that their product was a quick consumption item of a higher quality with a longer expiry date. What was the conclusion drawn from the survey?

  (i) Begin a quick consumption item, it can have a cheaper packaging, as the problem of aging will not be there.
  (ii) Longer expiry date shows that the product has durability and therefore can stand for a longer period in the market without changes in the quality of the product.
  (iii) Their product enjoyed better reputation than that of company 'Me-U'. 

Option (a): I only.
Option (b): III only.
Option (c): I and II.
Option (d): II and III.

Option (c): I and II.

Question No. 18: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 18 to 20): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The table below shows the total number of students who have selected for five optional subjects over the period of four years in an Engineering College. Answer the following based on the table.


 18. If it is mandatory that a student who wishes to enroll for MC or DSP has to take SSD, then which of the following statements is true? 

Option (a): In 2009, only one student must have enrolled for both MC and DSP
Option (b): In 2011, not more than 7 students could have enrolled both for MC and DSP  
Option (c): In 2010, at least 9 students must have enrolled for both MC and DSP
Option (d): In 2012, not more than 5 students could have enrolled both for MC and DSP

Option (c): In 2010, at least 9 students must have enrolled for both MC and DSP 

Question No. 19: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 18 to 20): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The table below shows the total number of students who have selected for five optional subjects over the period of four years in an Engineering College. Answer the following based on the table.


 19. If it is mandatory that a student who wishes to enroll for AC has to take VLSI or DSP, then which of the following statements is true?

Option (a): In 2009, the number of student must have enrolled for AC, DSP and  VLSI is at least 4.
Option (b): In 2010, the number of student must have enrolled for AC and VLSI and not in VLSI is more than 10.
Option (c): If at least four students who took AC and VLSI also took DSP, then maximum number of students who took CB but not more than 10.
Option (d): In 2012, the number of student must have enrolled for AC, DSP and VLSI is at least 3.

Option (a): In 2009, the number of student must have enrolled for AC, DSP and VLSI is at least 4. 

Question No. 20: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 18 to 20): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The table below shows the total number of students who have selected for five optional subjects over the period of four years in an Engineering College. Answer the following based on the table.


  20. If the rules of this college prescribe that a student should take 3 and not more that 3 optional subjects to specialize in the engineering stream, which of the following statement cannot be true?

Option (a): In 2009, all those who took DSP also took MC and SSD.
Option (b): In 2010, all those who took MC also took VLSI and AC.
Option (c): In 2011, all those who took MC also took SSD and AC.
Option (d): All of the above.

Option (c): In 2011, all those who took MC also took SSD and AC. 

Page updated in: December 2022

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