CAT Practice Test - 4 
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

MOCK TEST - 4 - Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR Section) 
  Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) is one of the section of CAT exam along with Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension. Practice tests help aspirants to prepare for the exams. 

   Data Interpretation determines the persons ability to analyze, compute and process the collected information in different format to determine the significance and implications of collected information thereby deriving appropriate conclusion.

   On the other hand Logical reasoning (deductive reasoning) refers to the ability of a candidate to understand and logically work through concepts and problems mainly by using common sense and logic to derive appropriate conclusion.

   Maximum Time for this section: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds)

CAT Practice Test - 4
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

Tips for first practice test:
Attend all the  questions.
2. Take a Maximum time of 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds).
3. Complete two cycles, first go of the entire section in 25 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by solving at least 15 to 17 questions completely. Second go of the entire section in 15 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by attempting last 7 to 5 questions.


Total number of Questions: 71
Total number of MCQ's Questions: 52
Total Number of Non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 19

Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) Questions: 24
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) MCQ's Questions: 15
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 09

Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Questions: 22
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) MCQ's Questions: 17
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 05

Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Questions: 25
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) MCQ's Questions: 20
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 05

Maximum Time: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) per section

Note-1: Use of simple calculator is allowed.
Note-2: Not allowed to change section once selected.

 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

Question No. 01: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 1 and 2): Study the formation and answer the questions given below.

   (i) Point A is 22 m North of point B.
   (ii) Point C is 22 m East of point B.
   (iii) Point D is 12 m North of point C.
   (iv) Point E is 14 m West of point D.
   (v) Point F is 16 m North of point D.
   (vi) Point G is 8 m West of point F.

  How far is point F from point A?

Question No. 02: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 1 and 2): Study the formation and answer the questions given below.

   (i) Point A is 22 m North of point B.
   (ii) Point C is 22 m East of point B.
   (iii) Point D is 12 m North of point C.
   (iv) Point E is 14 m West of point D.
   (v) Point F is 16 m North of point D.
   (vi) Point G is 8 m West of point F.

  How far and in which direction is point G from point A?

Option (a): 3 m, North.
Option (b): 6 m, North
Option (c): 3 m, South
Option (d): 6 m, South

Option (b): 6 m, North

Question No. 03: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 3 to 5): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

 The Principal of an Pre University College is appointing nine class monitors - J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R - to serve on three committees to study three different aspects of activities at the club. There will be a Games Committee, a Food Service Committee and an Entertainment Committee. Her appointments must respect the following.
(i) Each committee must have exactly three members.
(ii) No Person can serve on more than one committee.
(iii) Q must serve on the entertainment committee.
(iv) L and M must serve on the same committee.
(v) J and K cannot serve on the same committee.
(vi) N cannot serve on the same committee as R.
(vii) O must serve on the same committee as K or Q or both K and Q.

  If K and P serve on Games Committee, which of the following must serve on the Food Service Committee. 

Option (a): J
Option (b): R
Option (c): M
Option (d): O

Upon analyzing the data.

Option (c): M

Question No. 04: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 3 to 5): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

 The Principal of an Pre University College is appointing nine class monitors - J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R - to serve on three committees to study three different aspects of activities at the club. There will be a Games Committee, a Food Service Committee and an Entertainment Committee. Her appointments must respect the following.
(i) Each committee must have exactly three members.
(ii) No Person can serve on more than one committee.
(iii) Q must serve on the entertainment committee.
(iv) L and M must serve on the same committee.
(v) J and K cannot serve on the same committee.
(vi) N cannot serve on the same committee as R.
(vii) O must serve on the same committee as K or Q or both K and Q.

  Any of the following could serve on the same committee as L, Except

Option (a): K
Option (b): J
Option (c): P
Option (d): O.

O must serve on the same committee as K or Q or both K and Q, L and M must serve on the same committee and Each committee must have exactly three members. So option (d): O.

Question No. 05: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 3 to 5): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

  The Principal of an Pre University College is appointing nine class monitors - J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R - to serve on three committees to study three different aspects of activities at the club. There will be a Games Committee, a Food Service Committee and an Entertainment Committee. Her appointments must respect the following.
(i) Each committee must have exactly three members.
(ii) No Person can serve on more than one committee.
(iii) Q must serve on the entertainment committee.
(iv) L and M must serve on the same committee.
(v) J and K cannot serve on the same committee.
(vi) N cannot serve on the same committee as R.
(vii) O must serve on the same committee as K or Q or both K and Q.
 Which of the following groups could constitute the Game Committee?

Option (a): J,K,N
Option (b): J,M,P
Option (c): L,Q,N
Option (d): O,R,K

By eliminating options based on the data provided.
Option (d): O,R,K

Question No. 06: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Anu was born on August 11th. Mohan is Older to her by 10 days. This year's Indian Independence Day (August 15th) falls on Monday. The day on which Mohan's birthday will fall this year will be?

Anu was born on August 11th
Mohan is Older to her by 10 days
Independence Day - Monday. 
Monday - August 15th.
Sunday - August 14th.

Saturday - August 13th.
Friday - August 12th.
Thursday - August 11th.
Wednesday- August 10th.
Tuesday- August 9th.
Monday- August 8th.
Sunday - August 7th.
Saturday - August 6th.
Friday - August 5th.
Thursday - August 4th.
Wednesday- August 3rd.
Tuesday- August 2nd.
Monday- August 1st.

Question No. 07: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 A bus for Delhi leaves every 30 min from a bus stand. An enquiry clerk told a passenger that the bus had already left 10 min ago and next bus will leave at 9:35 a.m. At what time did the enquiry clerk give this information to the passenger?

09:15 a.m.

Question No. 08: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Devendra is older by 4 yr to Rajendra. After 16 yr, Devendra will be thrice his present age and Rajendra will be five times, of his present age. How old would Rajendra be after 16 yr?

20 Yr.

Question No. 09: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 9 and 10): These questions are based on information given below.

 A group of seven singers, facing the audience, are standing in a line on the stage as follows

 (i) Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U.
 (ii) Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S.
 (iii) S and U get diagonally opposite flats.
 (iv) R next to U, gets a south facing flat and T gets a North facing that.

 Whose flat is between Q and S?

Question No. 10: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 9 and 10): These questions are based on information given below.

  A group of seven singers, facing the audience, are standing in a line on the stage as follows

  (i) Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South are allotted to P, Q, R, S, T and U.
  (ii) Q gets a North facing flat and is not next to S.
  (iii) S and U get diagonally opposite flats.
  (iv) R next to U, gets a south facing flat and T gets a North facing that.

   The flats of which of the other pair than SU, is diagonally opposite to each other?

Option (a):
Option (b): QP
Option (c): QR
Option (d): TS

Option (b): QP

Question No. 11: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 11 to 13): Study the following table and answer the questions given below that.

 Marks (Out of 50) Obtained by Five Students April, June, Mark, Jenny and Rocky in five sections in five concise tests.

  What was the total of the marks of April in VA in all the concise tests?


Option (a): 230.
Option (b): 250.
Option (c): 240.
Option (d): 245.

Option (a): 230.

Question No. 12: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 11 to 13): Study the following table and answer the questions given below that.

Marks (Out of 50) Obtained by Five Students April, June, Mark, Jenny and Rocky in five sections in five concise tests.


Which of the following concise tests did Rocky obtained the highest percentage of marks in Mathematics?

Option (a): Test IV
Option (b): Test V
Option (c): Test III
Option (d): Test II

Option (b): Test V

Question No. 13: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 11 to 13): Study the following table and answer the questions given below that.

 Marks (Out of 50) Obtained by Five Students April, June, Mark, Jenny and Rocky in five sections in five concise tests.

In which of the following sections was the average percentage of marks obtained by June the highest?

Option (a): Mathematics.
Option (b): VA.
Option (c): DI.
Option (d): English.

Option (a): Mathematics.

Question No. 14: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 14 to 18):
 Crap a popular dice game is played as follows,
Two dice are thrown once or repeatedly till a person win or lose the game.
Two ways to Win -
1. obtain a score of 7 or 11 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, repeat the score obtained (any number of times), finally obtain a score of 7 or 11.
Two ways to Lose-
1. obtain a score of 2, 3 or 12 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, obtain a score of 7 or 11 on the next (before repeating the score obtained).

If they win or lose at any of the score obtained, they consider it as end of one game and again start counting wins or losses from the next score. For example if a person scores 7 in the first score he wins and counts it as the end of one game. Like this 10 sets are played, In the entire set of 10 scores if he wins 2 times and loses 3 times with the final win or loss at the 10th score he considers it as 5 game. In case the last game does not decide a win or a loss, then the last unfinished game is terminated at the tenth throw and the number of games is incremented by 1.

Three persons A, B, and C play the game continuously. The obtain a set of 10 scores as given below:

  A= {6, 4, 10, 7, 8, 6, 9, 12, 9, 2}
  B = {8, 5, 11, 12, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 3}
  C = {2, 7, 3, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3}.

Now they count their wins or losses. 

  How many times does A lose in the entire game?

Option (a): 1.
Option (b): 2.
Option (c): 3.
Option (d): 4.

Option (a): 1.

Question No. 15: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 14 to 18):
 Crap a popular dice game is played as follows,
Two dice are thrown once or repeatedly till a person win or lose the game.
Two ways to Win -
1. obtain a score of 7 or 11 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, repeat the score obtained (any number of times), finally obtain a score of 7 or 11.
Two ways to Lose-
1. obtain a score of 2, 3 or 12 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, obtain a score of 7 or 11 on the next (before repeating the score obtained).

If they win or lose at any of the score obtained, they consider it as end of one game and again start counting wins or losses from the next score. For example if a person scores 7 in the first score he wins and counts it as the end of one game. Like this 10 sets are played, In the entire set of 10 scores if he wins 2 times and loses 3 times with the final win or loss at the 10th score he considers it as 5 game. In case the last game does not decide a win or a loss, then the last unfinished game is terminated at the tenth throw and the number of games is incremented by 1.

Three persons A, B, and C play the game continuously. The obtain a set of 10 scores as given below:

  A= {6, 4, 10, 7, 8, 6, 9, 12, 9, 2}
  B = {8, 5, 11, 12, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 3}
  C = {2, 7, 3, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3}.

Now they count their wins or losses. 

  For C, the number of looses minus the number of wins is

Option (a): 3.
Option (b): 1.
Option (c): 0.
Option (d): 2.

Option (b): 1.

Question No. 16: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 14 to 18):
 Crap a popular dice game is played as follows,
Two dice are thrown once or repeatedly till a person win or lose the game.
Two ways to Win -
1. obtain a score of 7 or 11 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, repeat the score obtained (any number of times), finally obtain a score of 7 or 11.
Two ways to Lose-
1. obtain a score of 2, 3 or 12 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, obtain a score of 7 or 11 on the next (before repeating the score obtained).

If they win or lose at any of the score obtained, they consider it as end of one game and again start counting wins or losses from the next score. For example if a person scores 7 in the first score he wins and counts it as the end of one game. Like this 10 sets are played, In the entire set of 10 scores if he wins 2 times and loses 3 times with the final win or loss at the 10th score he considers it as 5 game. In case the last game does not decide a win or a loss, then the last unfinished game is terminated at the tenth throw and the number of games is incremented by 1.

Three persons A, B, and C play the game continuously. The obtain a set of 10 scores as given below:

  A= {6, 4, 10, 7, 8, 6, 9, 12, 9, 2}
  B = {8, 5, 11, 12, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 3}
  C = {2, 7, 3, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3}.

Now they count their wins or losses. 

    How many games are played overall by all those combined?

Option (a): 7.
Option (b): 9.
Option (c): 10.
Option (d): 11.

Option (d): 11.

Question No. 17: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 14 to 18):
 Crap a popular dice game is played as follows,
Two dice are thrown once or repeatedly till a person win or lose the game.
Two ways to Win -
1. obtain a score of 7 or 11 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, repeat the score obtained (any number of times), finally obtain a score of 7 or 11.
Two ways to Lose-
1. obtain a score of 2, 3 or 12 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, obtain a score of 7 or 11 on the next (before repeating the score obtained).

If they win or lose at any of the score obtained, they consider it as end of one game and again start counting wins or losses from the next score. For example if a person scores 7 in the first score he wins and counts it as the end of one game. Like this 10 sets are played, In the entire set of 10 scores if he wins 2 times and loses 3 times with the final win or loss at the 10th score he considers it as 5 game. In case the last game does not decide a win or a loss, then the last unfinished game is terminated at the tenth throw and the number of games is incremented by 1.

Three persons A, B, and C play the game continuously. The obtain a set of 10 scores as given below:

  A= {6, 4, 10, 7, 8, 6, 9, 12, 9, 2}
  B = {8, 5, 11, 12, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 3}
  C = {2, 7, 3, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3}.

Now they count their wins or losses.

    Who plays the maximum number of games?

Option (a): Both A and C
Option (b): Both A and B
Option (c): A
Option (d): C

Option (a): Both A and C

Question No. 18: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 14 to 18):
 Crap a popular dice game is played as follows,
Two dice are thrown once or repeatedly till a person win or lose the game.
Two ways to Win -
1. obtain a score of 7 or 11 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, repeat the score obtained (any number of times), finally obtain a score of 7 or 11.
Two ways to Lose-
1. obtain a score of 2, 3 or 12 in the first throw.
2. obtain a score of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 on the first throw, obtain a score of 7 or 11 on the next (before repeating the score obtained).

If they win or lose at any of the score obtained, they consider it as end of one game and again start counting wins or losses from the next score. For example if a person scores 7 in the first score he wins and counts it as the end of one game. Like this 10 sets are played, In the entire set of 10 scores if he wins 2 times and loses 3 times with the final win or loss at the 10th score he considers it as 5 game. In case the last game does not decide a win or a loss, then the last unfinished game is terminated at the tenth throw and the number of games is incremented by 1.

Three persons A, B, and C play the game continuously. The obtain a set of 10 scores as given below:

  A= {6, 4, 10, 7, 8, 6, 9, 12, 9, 2}
  B = {8, 5, 11, 12, 6, 3, 2, 9, 8, 3}
  C = {2, 7, 3, 12, 11, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3}.

Now they count their wins or losses

   Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(i) A is the first person to win on any of the score.
(ii) B is the first person to lose on any of the score
(iii) C has a maximum number of losses.

Option (a): i and iii.
Option (b): i and ii.
Option (c): ii and iii.
Option (d): AB.

Option (a): i and iii.

Question No. 19: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 19 to 22): A survey of movie goes from five cities - A, B, C, D, and E is summarised below. The second column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The third column gives the total number of views who view one or more than one movie per week.

    A     60     2400
    B     20     3000
    C     85     2400
    D     55     2700
    E      75     8000 

    How many viewers in the city C watch less than one movie a week.

Option (a): 2040.
Option (b): 13600.
Option (c): 1600.
Option (d): 3600.

Option (b): 13600.

Question No. 20: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 19 to 22): A survey of movie goes from five cities - A, B, C, D, and E is summarised below. The second column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The third column gives the total number of views who view one or more than one movie per week.

   A         60         2400
   B         20         3000
   C         85         2400
   D         55         2700
   E          75         8000

  Which city has the highest number of viewers who watch less than one movie a week.

Option (a): City D.
Option (b): City E.
Option (c): City B.
Option (d): City A.

Option (b): City E.

Question No. 21: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 19 to 22): A survey of movie goes from five cities - A, B, C, D, and E is summarised below. The second column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The third column gives the total number of views who view one or more than one movie per week.

    A        60       2400
    B        20       3000
    C        85       2400
    D        55       2700
    E         75       8000

 Which city has the lower number of movie watchers.

Option (a):
City D.
Option (b): City A.
Option (c): City B.
Option (d): City C.

Option (a): City D.

Question No. 22: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 19 to 22): A survey of movie goes from five cities - A, B, C, D, and E is summarised below. The second column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The third column gives the total number of views who view one or more than one movie per week.

   A         60        2400
   B         20        3000
   C         85        2400
   D         55        2700
   E          75        8000

 The total number of all movie goers in the five cities who watch less than one movie per week is.

Option (a): 45250.
Option (b): 50000.
Option (c): 36000.
Option (d): 18500.

Option (a): 45250.

Page updated in: December 2022

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