CAT Practice Test - 3 
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

MOCK TEST - 3 - Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR Section)

  Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) is one of the section of CAT exam along with Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension. Practice tests help aspirants to prepare for the exams. 

   Data Interpretation determines the persons ability to analyze, compute and process the collected information in different format to determine the significance and implications of collected information thereby deriving appropriate conclusion.

   On the other hand Logical reasoning (deductive reasoning) refers to the ability of a candidate to understand and logically work through concepts and problems mainly by using common sense and logic to derive appropriate conclusion.

   Maximum Time for this section: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds)

CAT Practice Test - 3
(Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)

Tips for first practice test:
Attend all the  questions.
2. Take a Maximum time of 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds).
3. Complete two cycles, first go of the entire section in 29 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by solving at least 16 to 18 questions completely. Second go of the entire section in 11 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) by attempting last 6 to 4 questions.


Total number of Questions: 72
Total number of MCQ's Questions: 50
Total Number of Non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 22

Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) Questions: 24
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) MCQ's Questions: 16
Total number Quantitative Ability (QA) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 08

Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) Questions: 22
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) MCQ's Questions: 17
Total number Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 05

Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) Questions: 26
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) MCQ's Questions: 17
Total number Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) non-MCQ's (TITA) Questions: 09

Maximum Time: 40 : 00 (Minutes : Seconds) per section

Note-1: Use of simple calculator is allowed.
Note-2: Not allowed to change section once selected.

 Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)

Question No. 01: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.
  There is family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. The following information pertains to the members of this family:

 (i) There are two marriage couples and the family members belong to three generations.
 (ii) Each member has a direct choice of color namely green, yellow, black, white, red and blue.
 (iii) No lady members like green or white.
 (iv) C, who likes the color black in the daughter-in-law of E.
 (v) B is the brother of F and son of D and he likes blue.
 (vi) A is the grandmother of F and F does not like red.
 (vii) There is a man who likes green and his wife likes the yellow color.

 Which of the following is one of the married couple?

Option (a): CD
Option (b): DA
Option (c): AC
Option (d): None of these.

Let's analyze the data given,
A - likes Yellow - Female - grandmother of F
B - likes Blue - Male - Brother of F
C - likes Black - Female - daughter-in-law of E
D - likes Red - Male - Husband of C (C and D Parents of B and F)
E - likes Green - Male - Husband of A (A and E Grand Parents of B and F)
F - likes White - Male - Son of D

Option (a): CD

Question No. 02: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.
There is family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. The following information pertains to the members of this family:

 (i) There are two marriage couples and the family members belong to three generations.
 (ii) Each member has a direct choice of color namely green, yellow, black, white, red and blue.
 (iii) No lady members like green or white.
 (iv) C, who likes the color black in the daughter-in-law of E.
 (v) B is the brother of F and son of D and he likes blue.
 (vi) A is the grandmother of F and F does not like red.
 (vii) There is a man who likes green and his wife likes the yellow color.

  How many male members are there in the family?

Option (a): 2
Option (b): 3
Option (c): 4
Option (d): 1

Let's analyze the data given,

A - likes Yellow - Female - grandmother of F
B - likes Blue - Male - Brother of F
C - likes Black - Female - daughter-in-law of E
D - likes Red - Male - Husband of C (C and D Parents of B and F)
E - likes Green - Male - Husband of A (A and E Grand Parents of B and F)
F - likes White - Male - Son of D

Option (c): 4

Question No. 03: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 1 to 3): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.
There is family of six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. The following information pertains to the members of this family:

 (i) There are two marriage couples and the family members belong to three generations.
 (ii) Each member has a direct choice of color namely green, yellow, black, white, red and blue.
 (iii) No lady members like green or white.
 (iv) C, who likes the color black in the daughter-in-law of E.
 (v) B is the brother of F and son of D and he likes blue.
 (vi) A is the grandmother of F and F does not like red.
 (vii) There is a man who likes green and his wife likes the yellow color.

  F is the.....?

Option (a): Brother of B
Option (b): Sister of B
Option (c): Cannot be determined.
Option (d): None of these.

Let's analyze the data given,

A - likes Yellow - Female - grandmother of F
B - likes Blue - Male - Brother of F
C - likes Black - Female - daughter-in-law of E
D - likes Red - Male - Husband of C (C and D Parents of B and F)
E - likes Green - Male - Husband of A (A and E Grand Parents of B and F)
F - likes White - Male - Son of D

Option (a): Brother of B

Question No. 04: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

 A large cube is dipped into a tub filled with color. When the cube is taken out it was observed that all its sides are painted. This large cube is now cut into 125 small but identical cubes.

 How many of the smaller cubes have none of its faces painted?

  Option (a): 27
  Option (b): 64
  Option (c): 08
  Option (d): None of these.

Option (a): 27
Only cubes in the center of the cube can remain unpainted.

Question No. 05: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

A large cube is dipped into a tub filled with color. When the cube is taken out it was observed that all its sides are painted. This large cube is now cut into 125 small but identical cubes.

 How many of the smaller cubes have exactly one faces painted?

Option (a): 50
Option (b): 54
Option (c): 64
Option (d): 27

Option (b): 54
Cubes on the center of a side will have one sides painted.

Question No. 06: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 4 to 6): Read the following and answer the questions based on it.

A large cube is dipped into a tub filled with color. When the cube is taken out it was observed that all its sides are painted. This large cube is now cut into 125 small but identical cubes.

  How many of the smaller cubes have exactly two faces painted?

Option (a): 36
Option (b): 16
Option (c): 24
Option (d): 32

Option (a): 36
Cubes on the edges will have two sides painted.

Question No. 07: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

  Input: red pink 22 32 87 gold 44 tan

 Step I: 22 red pink 32 87 gold 44 tan
 Step II: 22 tan red pink 32 87 gold 44
 Step III: 22 tan 32 red pink 87 gold 44
 Step IV: 22 tan 32 red 44 pink 87 gold

 Step IV is the last step of the rearrangement.

 As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: monk 73 oven 65 lion 42 boy 17.

How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?


Input: monk 73 oven 65 lion 42 boy 17.

Step I: 17 monk 73 oven 65 lion 42 boy
Step II: 17 oven monk 73 65 lion 42 boy
Step III: 17 oven 42 monk 73 65 lion boy
Step IV: 17 oven 42 monk 65 73 lion boy
Step V: 17 oven 42 monk 65 lion 73 boy

Question No. 08: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

 Input: red pink 22 32 87 gold 44 tan

 Step I: 22 red pink 32 87 gold 44 tan
 Step II: 22 tan red pink 32 87 gold 44
 Step III: 22 tan 32 red pink 87 gold 44
 Step IV: 22 tan 32 red 44 pink 87 gold

 Step IV is the last step of the rearrangement.

  As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

 Step IV: 18 tower 38 new basket 82 76 hall

What will be the next step?

Step V: 18 tower 38 new 76 basket 82 hall

Question No. 09: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 07 to 09): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input: red pink 22 32 87 gold 44 tan

Step I: 22 red pink 32 87 gold 44 tan
Step II: 22 tan red pink 32 87 gold 44
Step III: 22 tan 32 red pink 87 gold 44
Step IV: 22 tan 32 red 44 pink 87 gold
Step IV is the last step of the rearrangement.

 As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

 Step III of an Input 33 stream 45 92 joy form 83 house. How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?


Step III: 33 stream 45 92 joy form 83 house
Step IV: 33 stream 45 joy 92 form 83 house
Step V: 33 stream 45 joy 83 92 form house
Step VI: 33 stream 45 joy 83 house 92 form

Question No. 10: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 What was the day 2nd July 1984?


Question No. 11: Not an MCQ (No negative marking)

 Rajnikanth left his home for office in car. He drove 15 km straight towards North and then turned Eastwards and covered 8 km. He then turned to left and covered 1 km. He again turned left and drove for 20 km and reached office. How far and in what direction is his office from the home?

Step 1: 15 km towards North
Step 2: 8 km towards East
Step 3: 1 km towards North (left and covered 1 km)
Step 4: 4 km towards West (turned left and drove for 20 km)
Analyzing this data, He has covered 16 Km towards North and 12 Km towards West.
Apply Pythagoras Theorem,
16² + 12² = √400 = 20 km, North - West.

Question No. 12: MCQ (with negative marking)

Directions (for questions 12 to 16): Read the following and answer the questions.

The letters P, Q, R, & S, each of which is surrounded by 8 numbers (each different) which can be flipped over the letter itself either horizontally or vertically.


Thus, if we were to flip this diagram vertically around Q, the figure would become:


An undisciplined boy flips the original diagram around the letter P, Q, R, & S in the order vertically, horizontally, horizontally, & vertically. From the final position obtained, answer the questions that follows:

   How many numbers will not change their position?

Option (a): 7
Option (b): 8
Option (c): 6
Option (d): 5


flip around letter P vertically,

flip around letter Q horizontally,

flip around letter R horizontally,

flip around letter S vertically,

Option (a): 7

Question No. 13: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 16): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The letters P, Q, R, & S, each of which is surrounded by 8 numbers (each different) which can be flipped over the letter itself either horizontally or vertically.


 Thus, if we were to flip this diagram vertically around Q, the figure would become:


An undisciplined boy flips the original diagram around the letter P, Q, R, & S in the order vertically, horizontally, horizontally, & vertically. From the final position obtained, answer the questions that follows:

   Into the position of which number will the number 17 go after R's flip?

Option (a): 21
Option (b): 22.
Option (c): 23
Option (d): 24


flip around letter P vertically,

flip around letter Q horizontally,

flip around letter R horizontally,

flip around letter S vertically,

Option (a): 21

Question No. 14: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 16): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The letters P, Q, R, & S, each of which is surrounded by 8 numbers (each different) which can be flipped over the letter itself either horizontally or vertically.


Thus, if we were to flip this diagram vertically around Q, the figure would become:


An undisciplined boy flips the original diagram around the letter P, Q, R, & S in the order vertically, horizontally, horizontally, & vertically. From the final position obtained, answer the questions that follows:

  In which position does numerical value 2 comes?

Option (a): 3rd column 3rd row.
Option (b): 3rd column 4th row.
Option (c): 4th column 3rd row.
Option (d): None of the above.


flip around letter P vertically,

flip around letter Q horizontally,

flip around letter R horizontally,

flip around letter S vertically,

Option (a): 3rd column 3rd row.

Question No. 15: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 16): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The letters P, Q, R, & S, each of which is surrounded by 8 numbers (each different) which can be flipped over the letter itself either horizontally or vertically.


Thus, if we were to flip this diagram vertically around Q, the figure would become:


An undisciplined boy flips the original diagram around the letter P, Q, R, & S in the order vertically, horizontally, horizontally, & vertically. From the final position obtained, answer the questions that follows:

 What number comes in third row, fifth column?

Option (a):
Option (b): 16
Option (c): 12
Option (d): 14


flip around letter P vertically,

flip around letter Q horizontally,

flip around letter R horizontally,

flip around letter S vertically,

Option (b): 16

Question No. 16: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 12 to 16): Read the following and answer the questions.

 The letters P, Q, R, & S, each of which is surrounded by 8 numbers (each different) which can be flipped over the letter itself either horizontally or vertically.


  Thus, if we were to flip this diagram vertically around Q, the figure would become:


  An undisciplined boy flips the original diagram around the letter P, Q, R, & S in the order vertically, horizontally, horizontally, & vertically. From the final position obtained, answer the questions that follows:

 The increase in the sum of the number around around R is?

Option (a): 15
Option (b): 10
Option (c): 12
Option (d): None of the above.


flip around letter P vertically,

flip around letter Q horizontally,

flip around letter R horizontally,

flip around letter S vertically,

Option (d): None of the above.

Question No. 17: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 17 to 19): Read the following and answer the questions.

 Two friends and fitness amateur's (Russian and American) went to buy newly designed weight plates from Yanr Fitness showroom. In the showroom they visit, the salesman asks for range of weight plates they were looking for. Both of them told the salesman that they workout with a maximum weight of 100 kgs (on one hand). Their routine involves Bench Press, barbell overhead press, Single Arm Landmine Press, so on involving weight plates. The salesman showed them last 8 sets remain in the showroom along with their prices.

  1 kg, 10 kgs, 15 kg, 25 kg, - $ 100 per set.

  40 kg, 45 kgs - $ 200 per set.

  60 kgs, 55 kgs - $ 300 per set.

  The two friends, however, have a difference in their requirements in the sense that the Russian wants weights 1 kg more on his Right hand than his Left hand (For example: If Left hand side weight of 40 kgs, then his Right hand side weight is 41 kgs.) and he exercises 3 days of a week. He combines a maximum of 3 sets of weight plates.

  However, the American use same combination weight plates for both hands but he exercises 4 days in a week. He combines a maximum of 2 sets of weights.

  They both increase weights by 30 kg during their weekly routine. (Start week with lowest and increase by 30 kgs for every workout day, with maximum weight of 100 kgs on the final day.)

  Upon bargaining salesman told that if an individual purchases weight plates worth more that $ 750, he'll get a discounted of $ 250.

    How many sets of weight plates did the Russian purchase?

Option (a): 2.
Option (b): 3.
Option (c): 5.
Option (d): 4.

weight plates 1, 15, 25, 45, 55 Kgs.
Option (c): 5.

Question No. 18: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 17 to 19): Read the following and answer the questions.

 Two friends and fitness amateur's (Russian and American) went to buy newly designed weight plates from Yanr Fitness showroom. In the showroom they visit, the salesman asks for range of weight plates they were looking for. Both of them told the salesman that they workout with a maximum weight of 100 kgs (on one hand). Their routine involves Bench Press, barbell overhead press, Single Arm Landmine Press, so on involving weight plates. The salesman showed them last 8 sets remain in the showroom along with their prices.

  1 kg, 10 kgs, 15 kg, 25 kg, - $ 100 per set.

  40 kg, 45 kgs - $ 200 per set.

  60 kgs, 55 kgs - $ 300 per set.

  The two friends, however, have a difference in their requirements in the sense that the Russian wants weights 1 kg more on his Right hand than his Left hand (For example: If Left hand side weight of 40 kgs, then his Right hand side weight is 41 kgs.) and he exercises 3 days of a week. He combines a maximum of 3 sets of weight plates.

  However, the American use same combination weight plates for both hands but he exercises 4 days in a week. He combines a maximum 2 sets of weights.

  They both increase weights by 30 kg during their weekly routine. (Start week with lowest and increase by 30 kgs for every workout day, with maximum weight of 100 kgs on the final day.)

  Upon bargaining salesman told that if an individual purchases weight plates worth more that $ 750, he'll get a discounted of $ 250.

  How many sets of weight plates did the American purchase?

Option (a): 2
Option (b): 3
Option (c): 4
Option (d): 5

weight plates 10, 40, 60 Kgs
Option (b): 3

Question No. 19: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 17 to 19): Read the following and answer the questions.

 Two friends and fitness amateur's (Russian and American) went to buy newly designed weight plates from Yanr Fitness showroom. In the showroom they visit, the salesman asks for range of weight plates they were looking for. Both of them told the salesman that they workout with a maximum weight of 100 kgs (on one hand). Their routine involves Bench Press, barbell overhead press, Single Arm Landmine Press, so on involving weight plates. The salesman showed them last 8 sets remain in the showroom along with their prices.

  1 kg, 10 kgs, 15 kg, 25 kg, - $ 100 per set.

  40 kg, 45 kgs - $ 200 per set.

  60 kgs, 55 kgs - $ 300 per set.

  The two friends, however, have a difference in their requirements in the sense that the Russian wants weights 1 kg more on his Right hand than his Left hand (For example: If Left hand side weight of 40 kgs, then his Right hand side weight is 41 kgs.) and he exercises 3 days of a week. He combines a maximum of 3 sets of weight plates.

However, the American use same combination weight plates for both hands but he exercises 4 days in a week. He combines a maximum 2 sets of weights.

  They both increase weights by 30 kg during their weekly routine. (Start week with lowest and increase by 30 kgs for every workout day, with maximum weight of 100 kgs on the final day.)

   Upon bargaining salesman told that if an individual purchases weight plates worth more that $ 750, he'll get a discounted of $ 250.

  Who amongst the two friends paid the highest price for their weight plates?

Option (a): American paid $ 200 less than Russian.
Option (b): Russian paid $ 200 less than American.
Option (c): Russian paid $ 50 more than American.
Option (d): American paid $ 50 more than Russian.

Russian paid = $ 100 + $ 100 + $ 100 + $ 200 + $ 300 = $ 800 - $ 250 (Discount) = $ 550
American paid = $ 100 + $ 200 + $ 300 = $ 600
difference is $ 50.
Option (d): American paid $ 50 more than Russian.

Question No. 20: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 20 to 22): The ratio of Ragi to Rice production of a Karnataka, India over a period from the 1999 - 2006 is as shown below. Answer the questions based on provided in the graph.

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If the rice production in 2003 was 4 lac tons what was its Ragi production during 2003?

Option (a): 4.5 lakh ton.
Option (b): 4.6 lakh ton.
Option (c): 4.7 lakh ton.
Option (d): 4.8 lakh ton.

In the year 2003, the ratio of Ragi to Rice=1.2 and it is given that Rice production= 4 lac tons.
Let the Ragi production during 2003 be x.
So, x/4 =1.2/1
x = 4.8

Option (d): 4.8 lakh ton.

Question No. 21: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 20 to 22): The ratio of Ragi to Rice production of a Karnataka, India over a period from the 1999 - 2006 is as shown below. Answer the questions based on provided in the graph.

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    In how many years Ragi production was more than the rice production?

Option (a): 1.
Option (b): 2.
Option (c): 3.
Option (d): 4.

The number of years in which ratio is greater than 1 will be the years where Ragi production was greater than the rice production. So number of years = 3.

Option (c): 3.

Question No. 22: MCQ (with negative marking)

 Directions (for questions 20 to 22): The ratio of Ragi to Rice production of a Karnataka, India over a period from the 1999 - 2006 is as shown below. Answer the questions based on provided in the graph.

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  If the total annual gain requirement (Ragi and rice together) of the state is 5 lakh tons and if the rice production during 2001 was 3 lakh tons, how much grain had to be imported from another state of India to fulfill the requirement?

Option (a): 0.8 lakh tons.
Option (b): 1.8 lakh tons.
Option (c): 1.3 lakh tons.
Option (d): 0.2 lakh tons.

total annual gain requirement (Ragi and rice together) of the state = 5 lakh tons
rice production during 2001 = 3 lakh tons
ragi production during 2001 = 0.6 x 3 = 1.8 lakh tons
Their total = 1.8 + 3 = 4.8  lakh tons
grain that has to be imported from another state of India = 5 - 4.8 = 0.2 lakh tons
Option (d): 0.2 lakh tons.

Page updated in: December 2022

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